Personal Independence Payments (PIP) and, Employment and Support Allowance
Although not specifically a church related matter I want to highlight
the plight of 50,000 disabled people who have had their Mobility payments
reduced by the Department of Work and Pensions. This means that those 50,000
people have lost their Mobility Vehicles; when I say lost I mean they have been
taken off them.
The criteria for this change was a reduction from 50 meters
to 20 meters in the ability to walk. So, if someone who was on the scheme previously
was able to walk up to 50 meters they lost out. Now many able-bodied people may
think that is fare, however there are many disabled parking spaces well over 50
meters from journeys end for a disabled person. For example, many supermarkets will
reserve disabled parking spaces, yet I see many that are well away from the
main doors. Some may say get a wheelchair, but this is just another cost the
majority of disabled people cannot afford. [More below] So, what is the
disabled person to do if their mobility payment is reduced? Well they can appeal;
however, the vehicle is removed well before the process begins; as such many
people become housebound, or totally reliant on others to do their shopping, and
assisting them to get from A to B.
On top of this the caring UK Government has also reduced by
£30.00 out of work disability benefits.[ii]
This will leave them with £73.00 per week to live on, which is the same as job
seekers allowance, although the Minister for Disabilities promised MP’s that
other measures would be in-place to assist disabled people. Fare one might
consider if the disabled person is out of work the same as anyone else. However,
it is estimated that the average disabled person is £550. per month worse off
than an able-bodied person.[iii]
Yes £550. per month it is not a typo. Now you will see that income and need for
additional costs of disability do not stack up against the £73.00 per week. So,
debt and poverty of the vulnerable becomes a reality in the twenty-first century
Great Britain. This is of course whilst the pay gap increases and those that
created the recession do not have to worry about the next meal, or a roof over
their heads.
This is a shocking state of affairs, and one that is getting
worse by the day. The sense is this Government has little sympathy for disabled
people; and would rather use the bullying tack to force people who cannot work
to try and find work. It is a delusion. If you cannot work, you cannot work – I
am living proof of this. So what can the church do? Pray, and continue praying
for disabled people and a Government that does not care. Also raise this with
your MP, the church militant!!
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